Rederiet Terntank
Jens P. Buchhave, CEO Rederiet Terntank.
Terntank er pionerer indenfor bæredygtig shipping. Jens vil fortælle om filosofien bag og udfordringer i processen og giver sit bud på, hvordan resten af branchen kommer i mål. Kan branchen selv præge udvikling i grøn retning eller kræver det lovgivning – fra bl.a. EU ?
Safe, sustainable and reliable shipping lie at the heart of our business.
Like other modes of transport, the shipping sector is reaching a point of no return. Changes must come, and we are already in the forefront of this process. Through our innovations, we will take on the challenge of combining efficiency and reliability with corporate and environmental responsibility. We have been pioneers in safety and sustainability in tanker shipping for many decades and we intend to keep our pole position”
– Rederiet Terntank